Protect and promote the Epagneul Breton breed by maintaining our breed's unique qualities and characteristics as developed for more than a century in France, the country of our breed's origin;
Preserve the Epagneul Breton's unique conformation and working standard in the field which traits are to provide for a close working gun dog for the foot hunter;
Maintain the fieldwork and conformation standards and rules for the Epagneul Breton breed as developed in France;
Continue to advance the separation of the Epagneul Breton breed from the American Brittany breed in the United States and abroad; and to discourage and prevent cross-breeding among representatives of the two distinctly different breeds;
Assist the United Kennel Club Inc. in promoting and encouraging participation in a system of Field Trials, Conformation Shows, and TANs (Natural Ability Tests) in North America which are modeled as closely as possible after those held in Europe under the auspices of the F.C.I.;
Educate the public and media about the Epagneul Breton breed in the United States and around the world;
Advocate ethical and responsible breeding practices among breeders of the Epagneul Breton through a voluntary Code of Ethics;
Provide a forum for fellowship, friendship and mutual cooperation among owners and fanciers of the Epagneul Breton.