Epagneul Bretons
Small dog.
Big heart.
Epagneul Bretons, or EB's/ French Brittany's, come with a rich heritage from Brittany, France, and are renowned for their exceptional versatility as bird dogs. These energetic and intelligent canines excel in a variety of hunting situations, making them an ideal choice for avid hunters and those who wish to trial or test. With their compact size, they possess remarkable agility and endurance, allowing them to effortlessly navigate rough hunting terrains. EB's are highly trainable, making them adaptable to many different competitive dog sports. Whether it's hunting upland birds, waterfowl, or tracking small game, these dogs possess a keen sense of smell and remarkable pointing and retrieving abilities. Their strong bond with their handlers and their desire to please make them not only outstanding hunting companions but also affectionate family pets. Epagneul Breton's truly embody the essence of a versatile bird dog, combining intelligence, athleticism, and a natural hunting instinct with cooperation and obedience.
Why Choose an Epagneul Breton?
Driven Field Search
Hunt Test/Field Trial Success
Love of Water & Ducks
Productive Hunting Partners
Smallest of the Pointing Breeds

Since the breed is not separated from the American Brittany in the NAVHDA system, it is difficult to be precise with their representation in the venue.
Versatile Champions
One statistic we have been able to track is their results on an Invitational level. To-date there have been SEVEN to earn the VC title:
Ubu de L'Escarbot - unkwn
King Cooper of Bearville - 2010
Canelle Du Parler - 2011
Fragon Du Parler - 2016
Larue de Cache d'Or - 2019
Libertas Sur Le Delavan - 2020
​Lost Highway's Noble Pete - 2020​
We believe TEN Epagneul Bretons have run at the event in total.
Many have earned their Natural Ability and Utility Titles as well.