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CEB-US Club Review - First Half of 2023


What’s New at CEB-US?

While many of our regional clubs, member and board have been hard at work hosting trials and events, many more are about to face the dog days of summer dreaming of the upland season adventuring with their EBs. If the weather has you cooped inside, hopefully you took a minute to check out our updated YouTube videos.

Communication is Key

Mail time. Over the last few weeks, all active members should have received mail with a new club logo sticker included. We had a few returned and have reached out the respective member to update their mailing address. If you have not have not received the sticker, please reply to this email and we will send a new one.

Facebook is Back. The club also reactivated our Facebook page. The page will be a source for updates, events and more. The Facebook group remains active and a forum for open discussion about the breed. We realize not everyone is on social media, so we will continue to bolster this newsletter and the webpage to included updated information.

First Half of the Year Club Update

Membership numbers. The club reached an all-time high in membership in 2019. Unfortunately, Covid took its toll and the club lost momentum. With a revitalization in 2022, membership interest has leaped forward. While annual turnover is always expected, 2023 saw a very strong renewal campaign, and we are off to a hot start continuing last year’s success. Many of the less glamorous administrative upgrades in 2022 should begin to bear fruit in 2023, and we hope to push through our previous high water mark.

UKC can you hear me? We are working hard to hold the UKC accountable for delivering paperwork and titles in a timely manner. They continue to have a major backlog, but please reach out to us if you are waiting on a reply.

Page turning reading. Did you know the monthly board meeting minutes are uploaded to the member’s only section of the website? Rather than overwhelm the internet with clicks, the minutes are limited to active members only.

CEBGDC: The CEB-US provided resources and on-the-ground assistance to the Carolina’s club during their field trial and show - specifically by sponsoring a confirmation. As the national breed club, a primary focus is building relationships and spreading the word on all things EB. Hosting your own regional event and need help? Reach out to the board.

Field of Dreams and Great North Club. Two of our regional clubs teamed up to a host two trials and confirmation event in Iowa. The CEB-US provided the confirmateur for the event and helped the clubs navigate through a backlog of results at the UKC.

Pheasant Fest. As part of bird dog alley, the CEB-US had a very successful weekend at Pheasant Fest. We shared stories with veteran club members and introduced the breed to countless newbies. Always a fruitful event, we added over 20 members who signed up at the booth.

New Confirmateur. In case you missed the earlier announcement, we are proud to add Tasha Pleskac to the roster of certified EB confirmateur. The century old French conformation standard defining form and function is what makes an EB an EB. With a keen eye towards protecting the standard, the CEB-US intends to host multiple confirmation events across the country.

EBs of the SW. For the first time in nearly a decade, there was a UKC sanctioned TAN held west of the Rockies. The EBs of the SW regional club hosted a TAN and training day capped off by ten EBs earning their TAN title.

CEB-US Board. The Nomination Committee is working through the process of filling empty board seats. The board recently underwent it’s annual turnover. We will send a separate email announcing the new board and introducing the members.

New Insurance Provider. The CEB-US recently switched insurance providers to Kennel Pro. The cost is about 40% less than our previous provider, Equisure. While the cost savings is nice, we now have double the coverage and more comprehensive add-ons. Kennel Pro’s financial backing also fits better with the requirements of UKC.

Magazine. The magazine committee continues to work on the next issue. Requests for content have received very lack luster responses. UKC has also been very slow to release the past year’s title winners. We hope to have a print issue in the mail by mid-Summer.

Modernizing Data for the Next 25 Years

💻 Digitize: A major initiative in 2022 was migrating 25 years of membership data to an online platform - Join It. Previously stored on spreadsheets and paper, the club now has better visibility for tracking, trends, updates and more. The online platform also gives our members more control over their membership and info.

💸 Budget: With clean, streamlined data, the club’s cash flow and budgeting is better optimized to deploy resources to follow the club’s mission to protect and promote the breed. Look for a greater presence at local events to drive education and participation.

🛠️ Build the Brand: While breed awareness is our mission, the club is focused on energizing the club’s brand to have a stronger influence for protecting the breed. With numerous threats to the breed, the club is tasked with increased communication to be the collective voice for the breed.

💡 Future Plans: Upcoming initiatives include:

  • More educational and interactive content

  • Revamped social media

  • Beta testing a comprehensive online breed database

  • Sponsoring/hosting confirmation sessions at local events

  • Migrating the breeder program to Join It adding benefits to breeders and puppy buyers

  • Put into action the formal partnership between the national club and our regional affiliate clubs

Threats to the Breed

Breed Split: While the motion was denied in late 2022, the threat of a breed split recognized by the AKC will emerge again. The CEB-US stands by the statement released in 2022 and continues to solidify the foundation of the breed.

Rookie breeders: There are a lot of new kennels joining the EB community. New passion and attention to the breed are welcomed and necessary, but we need to ensure the new breeders understand the importance of following the French heritage that defines the EB. The puppy market has changed a lot, but the threat remains today.

Aging out. 25 years as the national breed club is a source of pride, but with age comes turnover. To continue the tradition, we need to build a new generation of breed enthusiasts, new judges and new confirmateurs.

Lost and found. The EB stands in very limited company as a breed that can claim the normal expectation is a dog that equally excels in the show ring, running a field trial and hunting the uplands. We must stand diligently united to combat breed dilution or shifting focus to a specific attribute straying from the versatile combination of characteristics that make the EB.

Left behind. While we hold steadfast to a century old standard, we must be nimble and proactive to ensure the EB and the breed club are prepared for the rapidly changing world. From implementing technology to delivering the breed’s voice, we must keep the breed relevant in a world focused on instant satisfaction and urban desires.

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